03 Valves and actuators
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Disclosure Table (China RoHS2) (DE, EN) Certificate 107kB 03 28.10.2019
Valves and butterfly valves (EN) Product Brochure 2941kB 06.15L 21.06.2016
Valves and butterfly valves; 阀门及蝶阀 (ZH) Product Brochure 1685kB 06.15L 26.10.2016
Vannes et clapets (FR) Product Brochure 2943kB 06.15L 21.06.2016
Ventile und Klappen (DE) Product Brochure 2948kB 06.15L 21.06.2016
Zawory i przepustnice (PL) Product Brochure 2950kB 06.15L 21.06.2016